Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friend's AMAZING Bat mitzvah

Today was a very eventful day. First thing this morning I woke up very early and quickly did my hair/makeup. Then right afterwards I ran to the mall and picked out a present for my friend's bat mitzvah. After purchasing the present we drove home and I got all ready and wrapped the present. As soon as I finished I went over to my friend's house where my friends and I all hung and took pictures. Then off the the bat mitzvah! It was amazing, dancing, games, friends, delicious food, and beautiful decorations!! It went on from 12 to 5 when it was over I drove home and got ready for church. Later I went to church hung out with friends and came home. WOooo!!! It's been a long day but a FUN one!!! :)


  1. Guess WWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! December 23 we go to California!!!!:)))))):):):):):):):):):):)::):))::)):):)::)::):):):):):):):):):)
